How To See What Keywords My Competitors Are Using

The online world has opened a treasure trove of information to anyone with a mobile phone or computer.

With a few clicks and the right tools, you can see how your competitors achieve online success by learning their SEO keyword strategies.

Gain insight into the keywords they use to boost their Google search traffic and get smart with keywords you can use to improve your ranking game!

There are various tools you can use in your keyword research, which will also display competing site links and competitor keywords. So, if you want to know how to see what keywords your competitors are using, stick with us and read on!

What Is a Competitor Keyword Analysis?

Ever wondered why your competitors seem to rank high in search engines, even though you seemingly have the same type of content? Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s due to clever keyword choices.

The keywords you choose can make a tremendous difference in your ranking game.

Chances are that the competitors in your industry are using the same keywords. If they have been around longer with more established brand reputations, then search results will benefit them more than you if you are a newcomer to the industry.

A way to get around this is by looking at competitors’ keywords.

A competitor keyword analysis allows you to find competitor keywords and see which keywords they use that are driving the most traffic to their sites (the monthly search volume).

By doing this, you can create unique content with new keywords that will drive organic traffic toward your site, and away from theirs.

Why you need to know what keywords your competitors are using

By doing a keyword analysis, you will gain valuable insight into organic competitors and see where these competitors rank on Google for each keyword.

Not all of the sites in the search results will necessarily be direct competition in terms of the products or services offered. The competitor may be in an unrelated industry but has the same keywords or common keywords that group them in the search results.

Knowing who you are up against in the search engine results pages (SERPs) will help you know which organic keywords to target so you can rank higher than them!

But Who Are My Competitors?

Before uncovering your competitors’ keywords, you have to actually know who they are.

If you use one of the more advanced keyword tools such as SEMrush, you will be able to find your top competitors using the tool.

Otherwise, you might have to perform a few Google searches for your products or services and see which sites are ranking highly for these terms.

To find your competitors using SEMrush, enter your URL on the Domain Overview page, then scroll down to Main Organic Competitors.

Note we are referring to competitors (plural). You don’t want to just look at one competitor’s keywords, but rather look at the top 3-5. Just looking at one site won’t give you an accurate picture of your niche as a whole and all the other sites that you are up against.

Once you know who you have to out-perform, you can start looking for relevant keywords to include in your content.

How Do You See What Keywords Your Competitors Are Using?

There are easy ways to scope out your competition and find your competitors’ keywords.

You need access to a keyword tool, and there are various free options to explore. You can simply download any one of the tools or get a keyword tool extension.

Once you have the keyword tool, you can start finding your competitors and their highest-ranking keywords.

Tools to see what keywords your competitors are using

I’ve listed a few keyword tools here, with links to the sites (as I am nice like that).

How To Find My Competitors’ Keywords

Finding your competititors’ keywords is easier than you think! They’re just a few clicks and a Google search away.

Once you know who you’re up against, you can easily find their keywords on tools like SEMrush.

Seeing what keywords your competitors use is valuable data and will give you the competitive edge by being able to tailor-make your content with specific keywords that your target audience are actively searching for.

Here’s how to perform competitor keyword research using the various tools listed above:

1. UberSuggest

This is a fantastic tool from one of the best digital marketers around, Neil Patel. UberSuggest gives you valuable keyword data like search volume, keyword difficulty, and trends to monitor how usage has changed over time.

You can analyse your competitors’ keywords by navigating to Keyword Ideas, Search By Website, then enter your competitor’s URL in the search box.

2. Google Keyword Planner

Another tool you might want to use in your competitive analysis also comes from Google Ads. Yes the world’s biggest search engine has tools that help you rank on it. Neat, right?

The Google Keyword Planner Tool is free to use so long as you have an (also free) Google account.

To find your competitors’ keywords with this tool, log in to Google Ads then go to Keyword Planner. From there, hit ‘find new keywords’ then in the ‘your landing page’ text box, enter your competitor’s URL that you want to analyse.

To find paid keywords with this tool, you need to have an active campaign on Google Ads. From your campaign page, go to Auction Insights and select All. This will show you all the data you could ever need on your competitors’ performance in paid advertising campaigns.

It might not show you every keyword your competitors are ranking for, but it’s a great tool if you are looking for opportunities to show your ads to potential customers. It’s a bit limited if your competitors haven’t been involved as the same ad auctions as you have, though.

3. WordStream’s Keyword Tool

It’s pretty easy to use this free (yes, really!) tool to find what you need to outrank the competition. All you have to do is pop their URL into the search box and hit Search.

You can filter and organize your results based on metrics like search volume, cost per click (handy if you want to run ads), and more.

4. SEMrush

SEMrush is one of the most popular tools for performing a keyword competitive analysis.

Simply type the competitor’s URL into the search bar on the Keyword Overview tool and you’ll be presented a list of every single one of their keywords.

Easy as that! It’s one of the best tools to find competitors’ keywords, although it does cost a pretty penny.

5. Ahrefs

Another of the most popular tools for finding organic keywords, Ahrefs gives you reports packed full of keyword data that you can use to your advantage. To find valuable keywords that your competitors are using, head to the Keywords Explorer tool.

From there, you can find the top domains ranking for your head keywords, then with a few more clicks you can dive deeper into which secondary and long-tail keywords these domains are ranking for.

Make the Most of Keyword Gaps

When doing competitor keyword research, you’ll be able to identify the keywords that your competitors missed, and you can fill that gap to triangulate the search queries in your direction!

A keyword gap also shows you which keywords your competitor ranks for but you don’t, and is the ideal opportunity for you to fill the gap with other related keywords, which will still up your ranking game.

Pay attention to the long-tail keywords your competitors used, and also didn’t use, as long-tail keywords are the most effective for your initial race to rank.

Remember, look for low keyword difficulty competitor keywords to drive organic search traffic to your site. These terms are easier to rank for; a new site won’t have much chance of ranking on page one for highly competitive terms like ‘movies’ or ‘SEO’. 

Kill The Competition with a Competitive Keyword Analysis

Does doing your own keyword research sound like too much effort? Tortoise Cash Flow is your keyword research pro. I can help you with competitor keyword research and provide you with low-competition keywords that you can easily rank for.

Check out my listing on Fiverr if you’d like to give my services a go – you won’t be disappointed!


How can competitor keyword research boost your rankings?

If you can identify the keyword gaps between your site and your competitors, you can boost your rankings by choosing long-tail keywords that your competitors do not rank for.

Can I use competitor keywords in my content?

You can use your competitors’ keywords, but you ideally want to use new keywords. If you find long-tail keywords that are in the KGR range and have low search volumes, then using them might just boost your rankings if it relates to your content.

Why should I do competitive keyword research?

Doing keyword research is important for your search rankings and will help you find keywords that you may have overlooked. Every keyword you rank for can help drive traffic to your site!

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This article was written by “My Content Pal” and proofread by me. Click here to order their service
