How to Translate Your Website AUTOMATICALLY | ConveyThis Plugin Review

Did you know that not everyone speaks your language? Crazy right!? The world is HUGE and there are over 6,000 languages in the world. If your website is only written in one language, you are missing out on a lot of potential by not capturing that audience.

Hiring a translator can be expensive and time-consuming. But, what if this could be done automatically, in minutes, and cost WAY less than a translator.

Well thankfully, it can! Let’s take a look at the automatic translator plugin, ConveyThis.

How to Translate Your Website AUTOMATICALLY | ConveyThis Plugin Review

In a Hurry? Try out ConveyThis Now!

What is ConveyThis Pluggin?

ConveyThis is a plugging that will automatically translate your website for you. The setup process is super simple. You can create an account at to get an activation code and a 7-day free trial. Once you’ve installed the plugin, activated it, and entered your code, you can start customizing the options however you like.

When everything is done, there will be a button on the bottom of your website that allows your audience to seamlessly change the language of the website to their native language. In theory, this should increase engagement on your website, and decrease the bounce rate.

How Accurate is ConveyThis Translation?

It’s hard for me to say exactly how great the translation is because I can only speak English. However, I did copy and paste some of the translated text into google translate and everything looked good. The text from the site after being translated could be translated back to English with Google translate and read normally.

So, if Google translate can be trusted, so can this plugin.

That being said, Google translate is not ALWAYS 100% correct and ConveyThis has a solution for that. You can manually change the translations yourself, so if you speak multiple languages then it’s no problem. If you don’t speak multiple languages then you can hire a VA to check the translations for you. Also, ConveyThis has a team of professional linguists and offers a service to check your translations and fix any mistakes for you.

Why Should I Use ConveyThis?

Not everyone speaks English fluently, so if you are not accommodating to these people, you are missing out on that traffic. If people can’t understand your website, they won’t opt-in for any deals, click any ads, or engage with your site in any way. More than likely they will immediately bounce from your website which sends a negative signal to Google.

If Google sees people from other countries don’t stay on your website long, your rankings in those countries will decrease. You may be ranking well in the US, UK, Canada, etc. But other countries like India, Indonesia, etc will not see your website.

You may think traffic from those countries isn’t important because the EPMV is usually low, which is a good point. But a low EPMV can be made up for with numbers.

ConveyThis is super simple to set up, it took me literally 5 minutes. If this can increase my traffic and bring in more revenue than the cost of the plugin then it’s 100% worth it and a great ROI.

That being said, I haven’t had enough time to test this plugin to see if the ROI is worth it. I’ll have to let the plugging sit for a year and see what happens. after I get some data, I’ll update you and let you know how it went and whether or not it’s worth it.

In the meantime, feel free to try it yourself and see if it’s worth it for you. Every site and niche will be different. You can check your site and see where most of your traffic is coming from. One of my sites has 6% traffic coming from India, so I added the Hindi language to my site with the ConveyThis plugin.

ConveyThis Pros and Cons

There’s a lot to love about the ConveyThis plugin, but it’s not perfect. Here is a rundown of the things I liked and don’t like about ConveyThis.

Excellent Service Limited sites/words
Setup Process is FAST Expensive
Automatically Translates your Website Not 100% Accurate
Possibly Increase Traffic from Other Countries


#1 Excellent Service

The ConveyThis plugin offers Excellent service for both free members and paid members. If you have any issues at all you can get a hold of their support team, usually within the same day, and have your problems fixed in no time. ConveyThis also offers support from professional linguists that can proofread your site and find any mistakes in the translation.

#2 Setup Process is FAST

From the time I downloaded this plugin, to having it up and running and doing what it’s supposed to, took all of about 5 minutes. It’s super fast and anyone can have their site automatically translated to multiple languages with a few clicks.

#3 Automatically Translates your Website

Obviously, the best part about the plugin is it will automatically translate your site to many languages with a click of a button. It’s super intuitive and convenient.

#4 Possibly Increase Traffic from Other Countries

I haven’t fully tested this part yet, but in theory, it makes sense. If more people can understand your site, then they will stay on your site longer and Google can detect that and in return, improve your site’s rankings in other countries. It’s undetermined if this traffic will increase revenue by MORE than the cost of the plugin, but I will be testing that out and let you know how it goes!


#1 Limited sites/words

Unfortunately, all plans except the Enterprise plan, limit you to a number of words that can be translated, and a number of languages as well. the cheapest plan only allows 3 languages and 50,000 words. That one is only $15 a month so it’s perfect for smaller sites.

#2 Expensive

ConveyThis is not cheap. After the business plan, it goes from $15 a month to $45 a month, and at the best plan, it’s going to cost you $499 per month. It’s crazy! However, you can start small and work your way up the plans IF you are seeing a positive ROI. So while it is expensive, it could be worth it but will require testing on your end.

#3 Not 100% Accurate

The fact the ConveyThis offers support from professional linguists mean they know the plugin isn’t 100% perfect. Which is fine, even if it’s 80% right, people from other languages should be able to understand better than a language they can’t speak at all. It’s nice that there are options to edit the inaccurate parts but I’m sure the professional help is not cheap but I can’t find anywhere how much it costs.

How Much Does ConveyThis Cost?

There are 5 plans to choose from with ConveyThis. The Free trial plan, Business plan, pro plan, pro+ plan, and the Enterprise plan. The free trial allows unlimited words to be translated but you can only use 3 languages. The free plan also doesn’t allow you to edit anything so you are very limited and it’s really only meant for testing the plugin.

If you want to use the plugin on multiple sites, you need to have a pro plan or higher. This allows you to add 6 languages to your site, and up to 200,000 words can be translated. This plan also gives all the other features like editing, professional help, premium support, etc.

If you have many sites, or a big site, you’re going to want the Enterprise plan. This plan gives you unlimited everything. There is no limit on the number of sites, languages, translated words, page views, etc. This is an expensive plan so I would only choose this one if you have a site bringing in millions of page views per month.

Most people will be fine with either the business plan or the pro plan depending on if you have one site or a few. It’s pretty affordable and allows you to test the plugin to see if it gives a positive ROI for you or not.

Anyway, here are each of the plans and their cost:

Free Trial$0/month

Is ConveyThis Worth it?

To be honest, I have no idea if ConveyThis is worth it. The cheapest plan is only $15 a month so if your site is making over $100 per month in profit it may be worth it to just give it a try for a year and see what happens. That’s what I’m doing.

ConveyThis business plan offers 3 languages, 50,000 words, and 50,000 pageviews. Let’s say each language brings in an additional 5,000 views (not too crazy). That would be a potential of 15,000 views. Even at a $1 EPMV, you break even. Anything more than that is profit. With those numbers, ConveyThis IS worth it.

That being said, it’s going to take some testing and I will get back to you in a year!

Interested? Try ConveyThis HERE!


ConveyThis is a plugin that makes translating your website a breeze! It took me 5 minutes and my site was ready for people in many countries to easily understand what I wrote. This plugin should, in theory, increase your reach and improve your website’s rankings in other countries. Overall it’s a wonderful plugin for what it does.